Paintings are like windows to another world, inviting viewers to step through and explore the depths of your imagination. Each brushstroke tells a story, capturing emotions and memories in vibrant colors and intricate details.

About Me

In the times of my childhood, I used to be very captivated seeing colors on landscapes, flowers, sunset, birds and trees. When I was an elementary student there was a trip prepared by the school for entertainment and to acquire skills on the way. During the trip, we had visited the most renowned Ethiopian painter Lema Guya’s museum in Debreziet. 

That was my first time to see paintings. This amazing artistic encounter with paintings triggered something inside me; I felt like there was something moving inside of me. when I got back home, I started to imitate what I have seen in the museum, which can be considered as the outbreak of my painting journey. 

It was not fulfilling for my parents to see me as an artist. Their craving was to see me study medical science or engineering as a profession; So, I had to find a common ground between their interest and my talent. Finally, I found architecture as a reconciling choice and so I went to Mekelle University and studied Architecture and graduated with BSc in 2018. Currently I work as an interior designer and studio artist side by side.

My insights on the nature of stars started from my childhood acquaintance of gazing on the night sky, which become the metaphor for my paintings. 

Their movement, proximity and distance, the difference in their color and light intensity reminds me of the great men in my nation. As time is counted and defined with the motion of stars, it is vital to be aware of our stars, which is not only about the past but also the time ahead.



Art Exibitions

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